Cornfield Fishing Gear hosts their second annual demo days event on Kentucky Lake on April 25-26, 2025 for anglers and fans of fishing to come out and meet with a bunch of the country’s best crappie anglers as well as many of the companies around crappie fishing and marine electronics. Not only that, but the anglers bring their boats and park them at Moors Resort and Marina’s boat docks for you to be able to come to the docks and learn first hand about how the set their boats up to fish more efficiently and find fish with better with modern electronics.
It’s a valuable time to get to in-boat demonstrations in person of the setups you might consider for your own fishing.
These anglers are experts at finding and catching fish and will share a lot of insight with you on how to best setup your own fishing boat. From the simplest johnboat set ups to the most sophisticated and indestructible pedestal adjusted, double screen mounts you have ever seen, Cornfield Fishing Gear carries everything you need and all the accessories you could ever think of to give you the most solid and clean marine electronics install on any boat.
These two days offer anglers of all skill levels a great opportunity to expand their fishing knowledge on setups, tactics and best available gear. It’s really a great event that gives you a lot of hands on information. And lots of great deals on fishing gear and more.
This year’s Vendor Tent will include tackle and gear from your favorite brands like B’n’M Rods, Crappie Magnet, K9 Fishing Line, The Crappie Shack, HITEC Marine, Performance Marine Electronics and many more.
And to top it off, they are offering a Cornfield Fishing Gear Owner’s tournament to amateur customers who want to compete for cash and contingency prizes catching crappie on Kentucky Lake in April. The tournament will be on Saturday and will only be available to amateur anglers who are running a Cornfield transducer or graph mount and have not signed up for a professional crappie tournament in the last 2 years.
CFG offers this event to show appreciation for their loyal customer base. There will be a small entry fee, and anglers will weigh-in on the Crappie USA weigh-in stage just like the pros do.
If you’re looking for a great event on Kentucky Lake to learn a lot more about crappie fishing and the setups that guys use to be more successful, this is the event for you. These guys are personable and friendly and wealth of knowledge when it comes to finding fish fast. Don’t miss out on this free event and fellowship with great folks around the sport of crappie fishing and beyond.
Again the event is April 25-26 at Moors Resort and Marina. Make plans to attend now.
For more information follow Cornfield Fishing Gear on Facebook. Visit CornfieldFishingGear.com for the full lineup of available products.