Kentucky Lake Blog

February Fishing on Kentucky & Barkley Lakes
Photo by Jason Sealock Fishing in February always feels like the kickoff to the fishing season for us on the West Kentucky Fisheries. After generally having our coldest days in January, and all of the hunting seasons passing, most outdoorsmen and avid anglers turn their full attention back to fishing. And it can be some

Crappie Fishing on Kentucky & Barkley Lakes
Kentucky and Barkley Lakes have been among crappie anglers’ top destinations from all over the country for many years. The anglers have regarded our lakes as top crappie fisheries for decades and the lakes continue to crank out not only numbers but size. Offering a wide array of ways to fish for and catch both

Why Kentucky Lake is One of the Best Places to Fish in the US
Photo by Jason Sealock Kentucky Lake holds some of the best fishing in the country and has been given the moniker of the South’s Great Lake for it’s massive size. It’s the largest reservoir east of the Mississippi and one of the largest in the country stretching some 180 miles from dam to dam. It

January Fishing on Kentucky & Barkley Lakes
Photo by Jason Sealock Winter brings some of its harshest weather it seems in January to Western Kentucky and that alone can make a January fishing tough. But there are still some good bites we find every January when the weather cooperates at the beginning of the year. With water temps often at their coldest

December Fishing on Kentucky & Barkley Lakes
Photo by Jason Sealock. Fishing in the winter can be very rewarding although much different from fishing in the warmer months on Kentucky and Barkley Lakes. Obviously colder temperatures require some precautions and colder water means the fish are not as active as they are in warmer water temps, but they can be very predictable.

Winter Fishing on Kentucky & Barkley Lakes
Winter always seems to sneak in at the very last second at Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkley. It takes forever to cool down and then fall is like 4 hours and then it’s winter. So you don’t get much time to prepare for it before it is upon you. While it may be hard on